Friday, November 29, 2013

Bake Like a Beekman - Sour Cream Cookies

I have been behind posting to my blog.  Taking plenty of pictures and getting things done, just need to organize my time better so I can post my creations here!!

I made another item from the Beekman 1802 Heirloom Dessert Book.  Sour Cream Cut out cookies.  Yummy!! They had a very nice taste but the dough was a little difficult to work with.  Stayed very soft and stick even when chilled overnight.  But like I said the end product was a nice soft and flavorful cooking, not over sweet with a touch of nutmeg.  I used my Mickey Head cutter and a little star cutter that seemed to coordinate with Mickey.  I dipped the ears in melted chocolate when the cookies had cooled.